When a hot reload occurs in the editor, if the component of a placed actor is selected then focus will switch from the component to the actor's root. This can be confusing when the root is a code c ...
Blueprints copied or moved to another level do not retain variable references to other Actors that are also copied or moved. Reproduced in 4.7.5 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2507843) ...
**UPDATE** When the actor is pulled from content browser to scene, a "ghost" object is created even if the actor is still being "held". Dragging the actor back and forth into the editor viewport wi ...
CrashReporter: [Link Removed] The Navmesh Modifier Component in blueprints does not properly update a levels navmesh. ...
When running a game in the editor and using the Command Console 'ModifySoundClass', the console returns saying the command is unrecognized. It is my understanding, that even if you do not create ne ...
Certain particle systems freeze when rendered in Fullscreen mode during PIE with Text Block added within Widget Blueprint. From what I could tell it is the GPU particles that are freezing. Note I n ...
Media Players and their associated textures do not render in standalone game or in a packaged project. Found on: //UE4/Release-4.11 CL-2897738 Checked 4.9.2 Binary from launcher, issue occurs ther ...
If you include UMG in your project and deploy to an HTC One, the project will crash on the device. Tested this on multiple devices (Galaxy S5, HTC One, NVIDIA Sheild tablet) Monitor logs are atta ...
Changing the value of a text struct variable inside a duplicated function that contains a Make Struct node will reset that value in the original function. This does not appear to occur with other va ...
When verifying [Link Removed] (GitHub 2762 : Correct subtitle rendering when scrubbing) I found that subtitles will not render while scrubbing the matinee. [Link Removed] has since been closed, but ...