When using full-screen mode on a optimus laptop the gama that is set for the system appears to be ignored and uses the default setting, even if it has been adjusted in Windows display calibration se ...
When trying to get a hit result from physical material using a event hit node there will be a access none error caused in the log. This is the exact error presented: Error Accessed None 'CallFunc_B ...
When using SetActorPosition() on a WheeledVehicle, it does not affect it in any way. This worked previously in 4.8. This has also been tested in main CL# 2698791 This may be related with: https:// ...
Using the shortcut "Ctrl + E" to open the static mesh editor in it's own floating window results in the camera locking in the upward position in the Main Viewport (*not* the viewport of the Static M ...
A crash occurs when attempting to preview specific LODs when the monitor resolution forces the menu to be expanded when selecting an LOD. This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the pu ...
A user has reported that the Splash screen for Mobile games does not last as long as it did in previous versions, resulting a longer black screen before the initial map loads. Regression?: Yes This ...
"We are trying to add required Game Center assets to our Apple TV project. We are using the source code version of UE4. It seems that the editor UI does not support adding the Game Center leaderboar ...
When moving between levels with built lighting volumetric light maps persists between levels. Workaround: Load the same level twice. Found in 4.24.2 CL#11100242 Reproduced in 4.26 Main CL#11574810 ...
TCP Socket messaging in iOS seems not working. ...