Translucent User Interface materials do not have a thumbnail preview. I do not see this issue with Translucent Surface materials. REGRESSION: No, this issue also occurs as far back as 4.17.2 ...
Adding elements to a TMap<int32, int32> causes the editor to crash if the TMap has a default value associated with it. Tested in 4.22 (CL - 4753647), 4.23 (CL - 7445012), 4.24 (CL - 7605614) ...
The class FcollisionProfileNameCustomization customizes the property editor for the class FcollisionProfileName. However, it does not handle the case where multiple assets/actors are being edited si ...
If you create two actors that have the same structure of variables in a category, and you try to copy the category variables of one actor into the other, variables that have ReadOnly/EditConst speci ...
Other components aren't ignored if 'Ignore Owning Actor' is enabled for a Radial Force component User Description: From 4.7 release notes; "New: Added 'Ignore Owning Actor' option to Radial Force ...
If you use the Open level node in the newest promoted build, once the project is deployed to an Android device, when triggered with a UMG, the project will freeze and be unplayable. Issue does not ...
Calling a child's child in a child blueprint from a spawn actor from class node that is being called back to the child causes an error. Basically, when using the spawn actor node referencing the chi ...
"Play" node in the Blueprint Editor does not restart the animation when it is triggered. Problem crops up when somebody wants to replay the animation assigned to the skeletal mesh more than once. ...
When transitioning from AR map/pawn to Non-AR map/pawn the direction the phone is facing is applied to Non-AR pawn. Only occurring on Android/ARCore Also tested in Main CL #4229747 Tested with Pi ...
Hot Reload does not work if a project and the Engine that project is associated with are placed next to each other in the same root folder that shares the same name as the project. During the Hot Re ...