Editor crashes if a blueprint has "Can Ever Affect Navigation" changed multiple times and is compiled. Crash link: [Link Removed] Frequency: 4/4 ...
I'm not sure where to set this value, but it's extremely noticeable when the value defaults to -7 and you go and place a node and it looks like a colorful square smaller than your fingernail. I tri ...
Creating a blueprint class, and then creating a few children of that class ( in this case, 4) does not display them as available options when setting the default value of a variable of that blueprin ...
USTRUCT(BlueprintType) struct FTestStruct { GENERATED_USTRUCT_BODY() UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite) uint32 ValueC : 1 ; UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite) uint32 ValueD : 1 ; }; A ...
Running the console command r.DebugSafeZone.Mode 0 does not disable all overlays. The issue occurs when setting custom values in DefaultEngine.ini as well. Tested using the following settings: ...
CSM targets are still created and affect the InjectTranslucencyLightingVolume pass when moving in a project that only uses VSM causing over brightening of fog planes and other translucent meshes. r ...
When a widget with a spinbox is calls it's Destructor with "Multithreaded Destruction" enabled the engine crashes. I have tested in 4.23.1, 4.24.3, and 4.26 Main with "Multithreaded Destruction" dis ...
According to the user, if you install Linux toolchain, the binary build will allow you to package for it, and will not handle the failure gracefully ( https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php? ...
After making some changes to a Data Table, attempting to PIE fails and returns this error message: Cannot Play In Editor When Performing Edit MemberVar_1 operation. This occurs after closing and sav ...
Setting r.ScreenPercentage.Editor does not affect the upsampling/downsampling of the viewport in the editor. Regression: YES - the console command correctly adjusted the screen precentage in 4.11.2 ...