Changes to the sort order do not revert the order of inputs on a node when undone. It will change if the node is refreshed or the graph is saved, however. ...
If a project has built a dedicated server executable then it will fail when trying to convert the project from 4.7.6 to 4.8. EDIT: Following the steps on the wiki page for Dedicated Servers () in 4 ...
Input Action Events are not included in the list of overrideable functions in the My Blueprints tab. Reproduced in Actor Blueprints and Player Controller Blueprints. This is a regression: overridin ...
Child Actor Component references are not sent to the Server through a Run on Server RPC. Test project attached. Reproduced in 4.9.2 binary and Main (CL# 2758903). ...
Changing the color and/or opacity setting for a text block does not register with the autokey when animating in UMG. Because of this users are unable change these settings dynamically via the animat ...
Function call inputs do not revert to their Default Values if a variable node is connected and then disconnected. Refreshing the call node does not reset the inputs to their defaults. Reproduced in ...
While using the commandlet for RebuildPackages with -BuildLighting and having any sub-levels with level transforms will be added to the current position each time this commandlet is run. As an exa ...
Using a custom #define as the coniditon for an #if / #endif that encapsulates a UFUNCTION that is marked as BlueprintCallable will prevent it from being visible in blueprints despite the #if resolvi ...
Collision capsule attached to skeletalmesh with 'no collision enabled' collides despite of being set to 'no physics collision' work around: image attached ...
Cannot disable the NavLinkProxy through the Smart Link option. If this is not the proper way to disable the NavLink, users are confused by the naming of 'Link Enabled'. ...