Spawning a child of a child blueprint in a blueprint macro library forces the child blueprint into opening as a data only blueprint without the option to open the Event Graph. Regression? (Yes), i ...
[NickW] This needs to pull the Play Bounds from Vive. The old soft / hard bounds system appears to be partially deprecated The Get bounds node does not appear to return the correct in game chaper ...
When the mouse cursor is shown, and you press eject in the viewport, you can no longer rotate the camera while holding right click and moving the mouse. If you hide the mouse cursor using the Show ...
If the construction script of a parent blueprint calls a function within a child of that parent in the construction script, compiling the child blueprint will cause the parent blueprint to incorrect ...
The Building Grass Maps toast stays up forever when your landscape material does not have a landscape grass output and the landscape option Bake Material Position Offset Into Collision is checked. ...
If a phsyics actor set to start awake is placed at the top of a trigger box, it will remain at rest. Regression? (No), issue (does) occur on 4.10.4 ...
Upon creating a new landscape that uses a material with displacement and tessellation, the landscape and its respective components will flicker. The flickering can be removed when you begin sculptin ...
Ribbon trails do not immediately follow the lead particle when fired. There is an inconsistent delay in some that cause them to either not fire or fire mid stream. This did not occur in 4.10.4, bu ...
When some grouped actors are childed to another actor, and both the group and the parent are selected in the world outliner, movement delta is applied twice to the grouped children. Code for a poten ...
When setting a custom meta data class in an Animation Montage, the class set is not saved when the editor is closed / reopened. ...