See attached video for clear examples. When using the orthographic camera perspective with default light settings to stationary for directional light source. Other light sources work as intended. T ...
If an Actor with a CameraComponent is set to replicate, ending a PIE session with 2 players will result in an ensure ...
Particle record feature in the matinee seems not properly working in the Editor. When trying to play in the matinee with recorded keys, the Engine will crash with Access violation - code c0000005. ...
Crash is caused by incorrect cast to display ActorComponent in viewport (gizmo used to move it should not be present) ...
When an actor spawns another actor using AddChildActorComponent that comes alphabetically before it based on blueprint name it will spawn an extra actor that will persist when the scene is stopped d ...
Also tried using “show VisualizeTemporalUpscaler” and noticed the frames that have missing motion vector data showed up as pops in the “show VisualizeReprojection” part of the visualizer. ...
Changing Class for Spawnable objects in Level Sequence did not have any impact on Possesable objects in Subsequence. It's still referencing the previous Class. Also found in Release-5.4, CL: 329753 ...
Actors rescale to their original size when placed in level then attached to another actor. ...
If PIE is paused using the 'Pause key', the Pause or Resume buttons on the toolbar will no longer start PIE. You have to make sure that the icon is toggled to Pause, select the viewport, and then p ...