Having an actor in the level with a child actor component, replacing it with another copy of itself, and deleting the copy results in a Child Actor remaining in the world outliner, which cannot be d ...
If a user attempts to import multiple FBX files into a project that is set up with Git source control, the message "Updating file(s) source control status..." will appear and stay on the surface ind ...
Retargeting root motion results in the target animation appearing to "slide" on the ground or "hover" as if hanging from the pelvic bone. This has been reported to be fine in 4.9 but multiple users ...
User is experiencing his PC running out of memory when he does large move/copy operations in the content browser. There are a few issues with this process. The first is that attempting to drag any ...
class default value after c++ class compile will temporary initialized. It will be restored when opening the project again. ...
A workaround might be to use the CDO of your plugin to reach out to the Editor settings and assign itself to the fields you want. This removes the users ability to choose between multiple options. ...
When an actor class sets the root component mobility to Static or Stationary, spawning an instance of the class (or child blueprint) during runtime will print a warning message in the output log of ...
Using Subversion on a Mac to connect to an online repository causes the Source Control settings window to hang indefinitely and never succeed in connecting ...
When using a Game instance to modify the sound in the editor the sound will ignore settings made by game instance. This issue appears to be occurring only in the editor, as running the game in stand ...
If you are using the default values of the In Size the project will run fine, but changing the values will make the engine crash. This was reported and tested in 4.25 (CL-13144385) and reproduced i ...