The camera is not turning on when using the ARDebugCheck app. Some details:The app does not ask for Camera permission and defaults to denied.ARDebugCheck is a Black screen after selecting "Start AR" ...
When using an Actor Sequence Component in an actor blueprint, the sequence will not play in Standalone. In the test, a cube was used and was increasing its scale using the sequence. When playing in ...
This is not a regression. Tested in: //UE5/Main CL18218925 Binary - Crashed //UE5/Release-5.0 CL16682836 Binary - Crashed //UE4/Release-4.27 CL Binary - Crashed Having a level open that contains a ...
Customer created a custom DataTable with a TSet Property and saw the behavior of allowing duplicate elements within the TSet, which is not allowed. See TSet Documentation for more information. This ...
Customer Comments: this is just a workflow issue where you need to set the compression settings to normal or tick the sRGB checkbox to fix the shading issue Regression testing done in //UE4/Rele ...
Calling SetOneWayInteraction on a BodyInstance has no effect within the physics engine. The state of the flag is passed in to Chaos but nothing actually uses the value once it is there. It is expe ...
When importing a Static Mesh if you use the default settings and then manually import any LODs for that static mesh they will be rotated by 90 degrees. I found that disabling Transform Vertex to A ...
This is a common crash in the 4.16 release. Affected users have not provided additional information. Source Context 1795 // Some tasks can only be done once we finish all scenes/viewports ...
The expected behavior occurs in 4.19; unexpected behavior occurs in 4.20 and 4.21. Marking this as a regression. Per User: Reading the LightAttenuationTexture in a material receives interference ...
This is a Regression. Tested in: //UE5/Release-5.0 CL 18747223 GitHub //UE4/Release-4.27 CL 18319896 Binary The example can't be completed in UE5 as expected presumably because of a change within ...