When a user creates a blueprint node of their own that is used to spawn a user created object, the project becomes unable to be saved after the blueprint is put into use. ...
A user reported that UEnum::NumEnums appears to be returning one more than the actual number of elements in the enum. ...
Observed by a licensee: [Link Removed] When a material instance points to a material, and the material is edited to change a texture and the material and material instance are saved, the material i ...
Slack thread [Link Removed] ...
The desired behavior from a user perspective here is that they'd be able to use Static Switches in a decal master material to toggle different features and behaviors. In the above setup, if I set th ...
[Link Removed] ...
Calling DeprojectScreenPositionToWorld while in VR mode does not project from the center of the Oculus view. Using the results of the call with a line trace will show the line coming off center fro ...
Pressing down a key for a widget blueprint works in PIE however, it's not functioning once the project is packaged. Project Rar File: [Link Removed] ...
Currently value propagation is handled at the property node level (c.f., PropagateContainerPropertyChange), and is unavailable to any other editor code / scripting (whether in Python or BP or C++). ...