User has a project that the viewport has gotten corrupted. The icons are now no longer camera facing and are facing in the positive y axis. The sun disc and sky are blurred. When PIE everything rend ...
Even though the Format Text node does not have any execution pins it is possible to put a breakpoint on the node. NOTE: The breakpoint appears as a yellow circle and does not trigger when the code ...
Observed by 4.7 preview 5 user. After closed investigation it turned out he had two consequent AIController::UseBlackboard calls, which triggered a ensure failure in AISystem::UnregisterBlackboardCo ...
Pins can be added to blueprint nodes during read only modes, such as PIE. ...
If PIE is paused using the 'Pause key', the Pause or Resume buttons on the toolbar will no longer start PIE. You have to make sure that the icon is toggled to Pause, select the viewport, and then p ...
When an event is added to a blueprint if that event is not listed under the "Add Event" section of the right click context menu then it won't show up under the EventGraph in the My Blueprint panel. ...
This project crashes when opening most maps after converting to 4.7 Preview 5. Also crashes after converting to 4.8 Main (tested in //depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2429371). Crash log attached. Crash R ...
Copy/pasting a Custom Event that has input names containing spaces will create a Custom Event with extra inputs. It appears that an input name with a space in it will be copied as two inputs, the fi ...
If you import a mesh with LODs and assign the LOD Group for Foliage the mesh will import with all appropriate LODs. If you do not select a LOD group and after decide you want to change the LOD Grou ...
Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] Opening a project created in 4.6.1 with 4.7 built from GitHub branch 20150203 (last commit: 5bac1375be31053932c7b9123cc3bb94c70dd5e0) results in crash. ...