The UMG editor will compile as if the blueprints is valid if you make "Get Text" node from a TextBlock variable, delete it and create a EditableText variable with the same name. When running a scene ...
When a list view item in UMG is selected using "Set Item Selection" it will get the item of the first entry in the list or the last entry manually selected by the user. The correct item display nam ...
Adding a child widget that contains a bound animation to a separate widget blueprint results in failure to save. Working in 4.22.3 Tested in: 4.22.3 CL#7053642, 4.24.1 CL#10757647, 4.25 CL#108892 ...
Running the console command r.DebugSafeZone.Mode 0 does not disable all overlays. The issue occurs when setting custom values in DefaultEngine.ini as well. Tested using the following settings: ...
REGRESSION: Issue started occurring with 4.25.4 Blueprints with non-English characters in their name will not trigger latent actions. The following warning appears in the log in this case: LogScr ...
Note : Reopening the level sequence causes ensure failed. (also see callstack) LogOutputDevice: Error: === Handled ensure: === LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: InstanceRegistry->I ...
When adding certain Material Instances to a Skeletal Mesh, the Material Instance break and renders as the World Grid Material. This persists in the project and the Material Instance cannot be used u ...
Streaming out the navmesh and streaming the area back into the world before the GC runs causes the navmesh streamed back into the world to only have navmesh tiles on a layer with tiles that would b ...
See Comments. User reported planar reflections aren't being applied to translucent materials on Mac OpenGL, which may also affect Linux OpenGL and Mac Metal. Need to investigate what this feature r ...
Base-pass rendering on Mac Metal now generates transient black/Nan spots across the scene - this appears to be related to r.BasePassOutputsVelocity and is presumably the connected to the incorrect s ...