[AI] Unable to bind StateTree task input to the properties of an output object.

UE - AI - StateTree - Oct 13, 2023

StateTree no longer binds to the properties of an output variable from a task or an evaluator. Selecting one of the child properties of the output variable results in an error string being displayed ...

[AI] StateTree can get stuck in a loop when a sub-tree returns Tree Succeeded

UE - AI - StateTree - May 30, 2023

After a change to how StateTree handles Sub-trees returning succeeded, StateTree can now get caught in a loop when trying to transition out of the StateTree. Sub-tree completion and status should tr ...

Crash occurs while playing in editor with a State Tree using Bool Compare for a transition state to a child state.

UE - AI - StateTree - Apr 25, 2023

This is a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.1 CL2390901 The crash occurred 3/5 times. Crash occurs while playing in editor with a State Tree using Bool Compare for a transition state to a child ...

[AI] Unable to set StateTree asset to use in MassStateTreeTrait

UE - AI - StateTree - Dec 15, 2022

You can no longer set the StateTree asset to use in a Mass Entity Config data asset. The list shows as empty even when making a new StateTree specifically using Mass Behavior schema. Attempts to add ...

[AI] StateTree assets need to be compiled again when restarting the editor despite no changes.

UE - AI - StateTree - May 4, 2022

StateTree assets show that there are pending changes to compile when reloading the editor. This can also mean that state trees do not run logic for AI as noted in linked UDN thread. ...

State Tree needs to be compiled again after reopening the Project

UE - AI - StateTree - May 3, 2022

It seems upon reopening a project with State Trees, they don't always keep their last compiled state or recompile when the project is loading up. Same issue occurred when I removed a Task from a Sta ...

Assertion occurs when undoing a Child State's unparenting from another Child State in AI State Trees, leading to a crash.

UE - AI - StateTree - Apr 15, 2022

Assertion occurs when undoing a Child State's unparenting from another Child State. Repro Rate: 5/5Assertion failed: false [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Slate\Public\Widgets\Views ...