Events not native to a blueprint do not show up in My Blueprint panel

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 5, 2015

When an event is added to a blueprint if that event is not listed under the "Add Event" section of the right click context menu then it won't show up under the EventGraph in the My Blueprint panel. ...

Crash on project open

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 5, 2015

EDIT: CrashReporter link: [Link Removed] EDIT2: Likely also this crash: [Link Removed] EDIT3: This crash appears under a different Bugg in 4.7: [Link Removed] Engine crashed when attempting to op ...

Spawn Emitter At Location is not available in an Object Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 4, 2015

Spawn Emitter At Location is no longer an available node in an Object Blueprint. It was available in 4.6.1 but is not in 4.7 or 4.8. Spawn Emitter Attached is still available in an Object BP. Teste ...

This project crashes when opening most maps after converting to 4.7 Preview 5

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 4, 2015

This project crashes when opening most maps after converting to 4.7 Preview 5. Also crashes after converting to 4.8 Main (tested in //depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2429371). Crash log attached. Crash R ...

Copy/pasting a Custom Event that has input names containing spaces will create a Custom Event with extra inputs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 4, 2015

Copy/pasting a Custom Event that has input names containing spaces will create a Custom Event with extra inputs. It appears that an input name with a space in it will be copied as two inputs, the fi ...

Dragging and dropping a button into the designer tab of a widget blueprint in 4.8 will crash the engine

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 2, 2015

If a user tries to add a button to the designer tab of a widget blueprint the editor will crash. ...

Crash when opening project on Macbook Pro Retina

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 2, 2015

Edit: This probably has nothing to do with macs. <unknown module>! UBlueprint* CastChecked<UBlueprint, UObject>(UObject*, ECastCheckedType::Type) <unknown module>! UBlueprintGeneratedClass::GetAut ...

ForEachLoop does not save structure changes in the loop body

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 2, 2015

If a ForEachLoop node is used to cycle through an Array of Structures, using the Array Element output of the Loop node to set the members of the structure does not save the changed values. Workarou ...

Very difficult to drag off of nodes on touch screen laptops.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 30, 2015

When using a touch screen laptop, it is very difficult to drag off the exec of nodes. I was able to drag off of a node 2 times after trying around 25 times. I was using a ComPat touch Screen laptop ...

SpawnActorFromClass nodes can't use the root component's default scale for the spawn transform.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 30, 2015

On the C++ side, in PostSpawnInitialize(), FinishSpawning() is called with the scale value taken from the root component as default. By contrast, SpawnActorFromClass nodes require a transform value ...