Edit Conditions on Struct that contains FGameplayTagQuery leave the property readonly

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Apr 8, 2024

When inside an array is used a UStruct with a FGameplayTagQuery var that has the EditCondition meta that is evaluating inside the struct. When a new element is added to the array in the editor, if a ...

Typing "Lerp" when dragging off of a vector pin results in "Slerp" being the first context menu hit

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Mar 21, 2024

[Image Removed] ...

"Override Function" search box in the Blueprint Editor does not match actual function name (only its display name)

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Mar 5, 2024

This is a quality-of-life issue for UE users. The issue was also detailed by the UDN user in a video in the linked UDN case. The Blueprint Editor provides an "Override Function" functionality in th ...

Breakpoints in BP Actor Construction Scripts can freeze the editor in several circumstances

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jan 31, 2024

Placing a breakpoint inside of the construction script of a blueprint Actor can cause the editor to freeze in some situations. The licensee has identified two such cases. The first is when opening ...

Actor components in blueprintable structs are uneditable in full BP editor, but not on instanced actors or in data BP editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jan 24, 2024

When an actor has a blueprintable struct that contains a reference to an actor component and that component is created default in the actor's constructor, the struct and the component will be unedit ...

Reset Instance Changes to Blueprint Defaults does not reregister components

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jan 17, 2024

For map placed blueprint actors with components with property modifications, when triggering Reset Instance Changes to Blueprint Default from the actor instance's Details panel, any components with ...

UObject Macro Libraries cannot use functions that require a WorldContext

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jan 11, 2024

If you make a Blueprint Macro Library that derives from UObject you are then unable to use any functions that require a WorldContext, like Delay. This is because the WorldContext cannot be assumed l ...

Blueprint editor can crash on removing one of a Sequence node's exec pins

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Dec 22, 2023

User reported that upon removing a pin from a Sequence node the editor crashed. This only happened once, so may be a multithreading race condition or there may be additional unknown factors. The cra ...

Renaming a Blueprint interface asset doesn't update the ImplementedInterfaces list in the Blueprint editor's Class Settings tab

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Nov 13, 2023

There is no UI refresh for the Implemented Interfaces list in the Blueprint editor UI after a Blueprint Interface asset is renamed in the Content Drawer. Consequently, the interface cannot be remove ...

K2Node_FunctionEntry: Focusing "Name" property in Details panel changes function name to display format

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Nov 13, 2023

Users can enter blueprint function names without spaces, for example PascalCase (MyFunctionName) or snake_case (my_function_name). The "My Blueprint" tab functionality for naming functions allow all ...