Ensure/failure when changing the class of a scene component that has bVisualizeComponent enabled

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Oct 20, 2023

Failure occurs at compile time during GC when the replacement component that we create is being destroyed. This component includes the BillboardComponent instance that's attached to the scene compon ...

ResetToDefault() incorrect behavior with multiple components selected with different defaults

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Oct 2, 2023

In the blueprint editor when selecting multiple components and resetting a property that exists on both components to its default value, when the components had different default values the editor r ...

Pins using SGraphPinNameList do not handle reset correctly and do not have a "None" entry

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Sep 15, 2023

From the UDN licensee: I put together a draft PR of something that should work. As I mentioned in the PR, this works as expected with one caveat; in SPinComboBox::Construct we are hardcoding the to ...

BP timelines: when converting internal curve to external, the external curve isn't used until BP is recompiled

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Aug 28, 2023

Blueprint timelines: when converting an internal curve to an external curve asset, the curve asset's data isn't used until the blueprint is recompiled. This is confusing as there is no indication th ...

No deprecation message with component bound event nodes

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Aug 21, 2023

It appears that only custom event nodes support a deprecation message. In fact, we need all nodes that use delegates in some fashion to support a custom deprecation message. Both UK2Node_ActorBoundE ...

Actors with Child Actor Components get out of sync when undoing component transform in child Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Aug 17, 2023

Undoing a child actor's component transform in its Blueprint editor isn't reflected in child actor instances in the level editor. Subsequent transforms are also not propagated after the undo breaks ...

Crash when removing mesh and undoing in Character Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Aug 9, 2023

When removing a mesh from a Character BP and undoing the engine will crash. This issue is occurring in //UE5/Release-5.3 @ CL 26560699 This issue is NOT occurring in //UE5/Release-5.2 @ CL 2600198 ...

String property multiline editing not enabled for local variables in the Blueprint Editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jul 21, 2023

The multi line flag is available for class level string properties but not for local properties.  ...

Ensure after reparenting Blueprint and moving a property to the new parent

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jul 20, 2023

Moving a property from a recently reparented BP to its new parent will assert in  FBlueprintCompileReinstancer::MoveDependentSkelToReinst at  ensure(PrevStructSize == NewStructSize) This only see ...