Component Visualizer EndEditing() never called in Blueprint viewport

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jun 30, 2023

User reports difference in ComponentVisualizer behaviour between level viewport and blueprint editor viewport. Details and repro in the referenced UDN ticket. ...

Level and Blueprint viewports have different behavior when calling FComponentVisualizerManager::HandleClick

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jun 22, 2023

User reports a difference in how component visualizer clicks are handled in editor vs blueprint viewports. This is likely not intentional, just a case of a difference in control flow in each viewpor ...

Subobject editor collapsed nodes are auto expanded when adding or moving a node

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Apr 3, 2023

Node operations cause all of the collapsed nodes to be auto expanded. This is disruptive when working with complex hierarchies because you can't hide irrelevant components. ...

Subobjects can change sorting order in Blueprint Subobject Editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Apr 3, 2023

Subobject sorting is not stable in the Subobject editor, so the UX is bad if you are creating complex hierarchies because it's difficult to keep track of newly added or reordered components. ...

Duplicated function in BP editor is categorized differently from copy/paste

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Mar 30, 2023

From licensee: If I create a function in a Blueprint Interface or Blueprint Function Library and leave it in the Default category, it shows up in the "All Actions for this Blueprint" menu under "Cl ...

Editing Blueprint default values will make the level it is contained in get marked as dirty

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Mar 10, 2023

When Blueprint default values are edited, those edits will also be propagated to any active instances in the level. Each edit event will mark the level as dirty. Similarly, in a World Partition map ...

Duplicating a Blueprint with a function call node connected to a variable of the source Blueprint type results in a compile error in the duplicated asset.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Feb 21, 2023

If a Blueprint asset contains a function call node for which the referenced function context is set to 'self', if the "Target" pin is connected to a type that equates to the owning Blueprint asset ( ...

Can't connect Date Time and Time Spawn pins to math nodes

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Feb 2, 2023

we can do a "cheap fix" here by adding the "IgnoreTypePromotion" metadata to the date time functions, but there are some underlying issues with the FindBestMatching func in this case causing it to f ...

Components copy/pasted from an actor instance's SCS can't be deleted from a Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jan 31, 2023

SCS added components pasted from an actor instance in the level editor cannot be deleted from the target Blueprint because the component template has the RF_ArchetypeObject flag. ...

Interface Call label is missing in Blueprint context menu

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jan 6, 2023

UE4 had a label next to interface function calls in the context menu to differentiate the target, i.e., interface vs interface implementer. This is missing in UE5. You can hover over the entries to ...