OnParticleCollide doesn't return Velocity on every bounce

UE - Niagara - Jun 2, 2017

OnParticleCollide doesn't return Velocity on every bounce. In code it lists all the return pins trigger 'on kill'; however, all other pins return correctly on each bounce but the velocity does not. ...

ACEScg Working Color Space renders more saturated than previous versions

UE - Virtual Production - Rendering - Color - Jan 11, 2023

Regression: Tested in UE5/Release-5.0, this issue does not occur so this is a regression. This appears to be effecting all Working Color Spaces as well. Each Working Color Space chosen renders the ...

Post processing rendering artifacts Nexus 6

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 3, 2015

When you push a mobile targeted project to the Nexus 6, the rendering is all sorts of wrong. When you hover over to where the items are, the screen goes black. There is also a large black or cyan sp ...

FString.Mid doesn't react appropriately when given negative values for the Count variable

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 16, 2015

If you use a 5 character string (hello) to call the Mid function and provide 0 for start, -1 for count, it'll give you the entire string. This should either return an assert or treat all negatives a ...

TeleportTo result with Chaos is different from PhysX

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jun 25, 2021

The result with Chaos is not wrong, rather it returns a correct correction vector, that vector is perfectly horizontal to the teleport buried against the landscape mesh. Therefore, teleportation wil ...

Crash in Nativized Packaged Game When Overriding Server Event and Calling Parent

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Aug 15, 2017

A crash is occurring in a nativized packaged game when overriding a server event and calling the parent's implementation in a derived class. The crash doesn't seem to produce a detailed callstack. ...

Plugins are not creating shipping versions on package on Mac 4.23 Preview

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Jul 15, 2019

When you try to package a plugin on Mac in 4.23.0 Preview 1 there is no Shipping folder generated. This was verified to not happen in 4.22.3 (via Epic Launcher). Found in 4.23.0 Preview 1 CL# 72363 ...

Changing WITH_SUPSTEPPING prevents 4.10 from compiling

UE - Simulation - Physics - Nov 24, 2015

In the file EngineDefines.h, changing 37 to read "#define WITH_SUBSTEPPING 0" will cause the solution to fail the build process. ...

Blueprint Launches onto tvOS fail during runstep: Error_DeviceOSNewerThanSDK

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 19, 2019

When a user launches blueprint project to a tvOS device they will fail to run the project during the run step and if they manually try to launch the app from the dashboard. This issue does not repr ...

Crash in Vulkan when changing Source Texture for Rect Light

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jan 5, 2023

Regression: Tested in UE5/Release-5.0, no crash occurs so this is a regression No crash occurs in 5.0, but the rect light's light does not change based on the Source Texture. Rect lights function a ...