Network profiler crash

UE - Networking - Aug 6, 2020

Running with the -networkprofiler command line argument can crash the server on the first engine tick in FNetworkProfiler::TrackFrameBegin because the file writer archive hasn't been created yet. ...

Current animation asset is lost in animation preview when a post process anim BP is compiled

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Aug 3, 2020

UDebugSkelMeshComponent and PreviewInstance are lost current animation asset. There are 2 ways to fix below void UDebugSkelMeshComponent::InitAnim(bool bForceReinit) { // If we already have Pre ...

Reimporting sprite sheets does not work correctly if the editor has ever been closed and reopened since initial import

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Aug 1, 2020

UPaperSprite::PostLoad() now sets BakedSourceTexture, BakedSourceUV, and BakedSourceDimension (if AtlasGroup is nullptr). There's nothing in reimport that sets them, so they are stale/latch to the ...

Actors are not properly restored when undoing a Replace Selected Actors transaction

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jul 22, 2020

When undoing a Replace Selected Actors operation, the resulting actor is corrupt and triggers an ensure where the root component is in the process of being destroyed. This is a regression that poppe ...

Blueprint Data Loss with Certain Variable Names

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 21, 2020

Certain characters within blueprint variables names will cause data loss when duplicating an actor instance. For example if a variable name contains '(', '{', or '[' it doesn't retain the variable's ...

Replication issue with actors not being attached to sockets

UE - Networking - Jul 20, 2020

If the client received AttachSocketName before AttachParent, USceneComponent::AttachToComponent will be called while AttachParent may be null, resulting in the received socket name being lost. When ...

A Blueprint containing an array Swap node will fail to be nativized.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 17, 2020

Blueprint assets that utilize an array "swap" node to swap elements cannot currently be converted to C++. Current workaround: Either avoid use of the "swap" node or exclude the Blueprint asset from ...

Interfaces implemented and then removed from a parent BP still show a phantom reference from child BPs until they are recompiled and saved

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jul 15, 2020

See repro steps. The phantom references can be fixed by recompiling the child BP and saving it. Note that just loading ChildBP2 does not fix/remove the reference during compile-on-load, so it's a ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor-D3D12RHI!static void SetRayTracingHitGroup(class FD3D12CommandContext & const, class FD3D12RayTracingShaderTable *,

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jul 14, 2020

Generated from CrashReporter Error Message: Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000088 User message (Aritzia_Bistro.log): datasmith re-import ...

Fix function forwarding in demo drivers in instant replays

UE - Networking - Jul 13, 2020

Demo drivers that are actively playing back a replay while still connected to another server as a client (via game net driver) will generate warnings due to the function forwarding code (UNetDriver: ...