Precompile occurs in Niagara when Standalone is started, increasing load time.

UE - Niagara - Mar 11, 2021

In 4.26.1, if you remove the collision module from NiagaraSystem, the Precompile will not occur. ...

Pasting an Emitter In Niagara System is not created at cursor position

UE - Niagara - Mar 10, 2021

Not a regression as this also occurs in //UE4/Release-4.25.4 Behavior should work like other BP nodes, where copy/pasting puts the node where the mouse cursor is located. Current behavior is time ...

Most Material Instances render as the World Grid Material when placed on a Skeletal Mesh

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 10, 2021

When adding certain Material Instances to a Skeletal Mesh, the Material Instance break and renders as the World Grid Material. This persists in the project and the Material Instance cannot be used u ...

Incorrect SRV bindings in RTWriteMask shaders.

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 8, 2021

RTWriteMask shaders were using incorrect array bindings, causing visual artifacts. ...

Rotational root motion accumulation to worldspace can add invalid translation

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Mar 8, 2021

When a character is playing an animation that contains rotational root motion and that character is placed on a moving actor, an invalid translation component is introduced to the worldspace positio ...

Force Feedback Components continue to apply when game is paused

UE - Gameplay - Input - Mar 5, 2021

Looks like this was introduced as part of PR#5337 [Link Removed]. It forces bProcessFeedback to always be true regardless of the paused state.  ...

Fountain emitters are constantly showing errors in the timeline and are not displaying correctly

UE - Niagara - Mar 4, 2021

This issue is not present in 4.25.4 You can also avoid the problem if the LoopBehavior of the EmitterState is Multiple and LoopDelay is enabled. [Image Removed] It seems to be a binding of certai ...

Crash when opening a sequencer that has an actor with spring controller registered and play in editor

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 4, 2021

During end play in editor, there is an access violation referencing WorldSettings from SpringBone.  In the attached project, the character registered in the sequencer uses the "SpringController" no ...

Video does not loop correctly in ElectraPlayer

Media Framework - Mar 3, 2021

Observe the video does not loop correctly. It only plays a portion that gets shorter with every loop until playback ultimately stops. ...

Cannot move movable components of actors if using drag if PIE or Simulate

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Mar 3, 2021

If the actor is in sublevel and user play simulate or PIE, the actor can't be moved by drag gizmo. Even if under the same conditions, editing transform of detail panel work properly. So I guess that ...