Crash in MaterialInstance when deleting a layer

UE - Graphics Features - May 4, 2021

Repro from licensee here - [Link Removed] ...

CullDistanceVolumes don't update correctly

UE - Graphics Features - May 4, 2021

IOS Preview on MacOS crashed when open postprocess material that uses stencil

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 3, 2021

IOS Preview on MacOS crashed when open postprocess material that uses stencil ...

Crash when reopening a project that has a Child Actor component in a BP with a WaterBody class set as the Parent Class

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 29, 2021

When adding a child actor component to a Blueprint with the Parent Class set to one of the new Water classes and then placing it in the world, the project will crash on open. This was tested with th ...

macOS build appears to hang due to UBT deadlocking on ps buffer

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Apr 22, 2021

Licensee reports buffer deadlock issue in System/BuildHostPlatform.cs (lines 283-329). Moving Proc.WaitForExit() to after the for-loop seems to resolve the issue for them.publicoverride ProcessInf ...

Crash when adding a pawn that has a SetSenseEnabled node set to true on Begin Play and then playing the game

UE - AI - Apr 20, 2021

When adding the SetSenseEnabled node to a Pawn and controlling another pawn that has an AIPerceptionStiumuliSource, the editor crashes. I tested using other senses such as Hearing and the crash occu ...

There is a moment of T pause when Post Roll Frames is enabled and snapping is enabled

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 19, 2021

When I turn off snap, the problem does not occur The problem does not occur in 4.24.3 and 4.25.4 Occurs in 4.26.2 and UE4main ...

Material cannot be set in MaterialInterface of NiagaraParameterCollection

UE - Niagara - Apr 16, 2021

When MaterialInterface is added to UserParameter of NiagaraSystem, Material can be set in Properties. Also, in UE4main CL15988344, there is no MaterialInterface item in the NiagaraParameterCollecti ...

Nvidia Graphics Drivers cause editor menus to flicker and disappear after using the editor for an extended period of time

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 16, 2021

This issue seems to be occurring on a variety of Nvidia cards. So far, I haven't seen any indication that it is affecting AMD graphics cards. The majority of the reports have indicating that the pro ...