Take Recorder starts all timecodes at zero unless "Start at Current Timecode" is checked

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 19, 2022

This seems to be a regression caused by CL 16942648 ([Link Removed]). Recording times based on the sequence, means the timecode will always begin when the sequence does. ...

Resizing panels causes ghosting/shifting of contents during drag

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - May 13, 2022

Resizing the editor window or any floating panel causes the panel contents to jitter during drag.   See attached images.  The jittering one is from Main and the normal behavior was captured in UEFN. ...

Migrate away from deprecated JCenter

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 12, 2022

Since JCenter is already obsolete, we will get an error when we try to use JCenter( e.g.  project using Facebook SDK for Android). This issue can be solved by adding mavenCentral() to the repositor ...

IVideoRecordingSystem::EnableRecording call on Windows shifts viewport drawing position

Media Framework - May 12, 2022

The viewport is shifted by the IVideoRecordingSystem::SetRecording call. This problem occurs in play standalone mode and packaged build running as window mode. (not occur in fullscreen mode) The vie ...

External event dispatcher bindings are duplicated along with instances in the level editor.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - May 12, 2022

Event dispatchers (i.e. delegate property values) are currently copied to the new instance when users copy/paste/dupe actors. However, this means that if you have an instance whose dispatcher is dy ...

GetMouseX returns stuttering value if ShowMouseCursor is enabled

UE - Gameplay - Input - May 11, 2022

Showing the mouse cursor and holding down the left mouse button while dragging will cause the MouseX event to broadcast incorrect axis values.  ...

Screen Space Reflections have a visible lag on opaque materials compared to transparent/additive materials.

UE - Graphics Features - May 10, 2022

Screen Space Reflections have a visible lag on opaque materials compared to transparent/additive materials. See [Link Removed] ...

Ensure condition failed: bPlayingBackwards ? (CurrentPosition <= PreviousPosition) : (CurrentPosition >= PreviousPosition)

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 10, 2022

The problem is caused by the animation sequence playback position being set out of range from Sequencer. The call stack is :  UE4Editor-AnimGraphRuntime.dll!FAnimSequencerInstanceProxy::UpdateAnim ...