Incorrect behavior after attaching an actor to a non-root component of another actor in the Editor

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jul 3, 2024

UE allows actors to be attached to other actors. More precisely, it allows the root component of an actor (child) to be attached to any component of another actor (parent). From now on, "parent" and ...

Volumetric lightmap + stationary light has missing shadows

UE - Rendering Architecture - Sep 5, 2023

Primitives with the "Lightmap Type" set to "Force Volumetric" are not shadowed correctly. Issue dates back to at least 4.27.2. As a workaround, making FLightCacheInterface::GetStaticInteraction al ...

[AI] FRecastNavMeshGenerator can leak build tasks when it is destroyed

UE - AI - Navigation - Jun 29, 2023

FRecastNavMeshGenerator does not cancel its async running tasks when destructing. This leads to leaking build tasks if any are running when the generator is destroyed. ...

UE4.27.2 Dangling reference and assertion failure in FMaterialShader::GetShaderBindings() in ShaderBaseClasses.cpp

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jun 23, 2023

This seems to be a threading issue, as forcing the editor to run single threaded with -onethread makes the assert not reproduce. ...

Suspend/resume iOS Metal Crash on low end device with MTLCommandBufferErrorMemoryless error with lots of geometry

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 11, 2023

The project was built in Unreal 4.27.2 binary from the Epic Games Launcher. At this stage we have only observed the crash on devices with a hardware combination of Apple A9 1.8 GHz and 2GB of Memory ...

Crash when calling UPoseableMeshComponent::CopyPoseFromSkeletalComponent() from Actor's Tick while unregistering

UE - Anim - Runtime - Apr 26, 2023

Under certain conditions, it appears that the function UPoseableMeshComponent::CopyPoseFromSkeletalComponent may crash because the BoneSpaceTransforms obtained from the source component are empty, p ...

Crashes when playing Slomo on NiagaraSystem with Solo and DesiredAge.

UE - Niagara - Mar 23, 2023

When Slomo 2 is used to speed up the process, TicksToProcess is greater than 1, which means that ManualTick is called several times during one loop.  When playback is completed by a ManualTick in t ...

[AI] Moving navmesh and navbounds to a sublevel results in a level nearly twice the size expected

UE - AI - Navigation - Feb 22, 2023

Using World Composition, moving the Navmesh and NavmeshBounds from the persistent level to a sub-level results in the size of the navmesh sub-level being roughly twice the size of the decreased size ...

console command "viewmode lodcoloration" doesn't work in standalone game

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 4, 2023

refer to attached video ...

[AI] Assert leading to crash in FRecastTileGenerator::AddReferencedObjects

UE - AI - Navigation - Dec 9, 2022

Licensee has reported a couple cases of an assert happening stemming from FRecastTileGenerator::AddReferencedObjects in a built game. They are limiting the MaxTileGeneratorTasks to 1. The crash occu ...