Blueprint "Diff Against Depot": Restoring an instanced object results in reference to the object in the temporary diff asset

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 19, 2024

When diffing a blueprint against depot via the Content Browser context menu action "Revision Control > Diff Against Depot", restoring an instanced object property from the depot version results in t ...

MoviePlayer loading screen with FLoadingScreenAttributes::bAllowEngineTick results in high DeltaSeconds tick post-playback

UE - Gameplay - Feb 16, 2024

IGameMoviePlayer playback of a movie during loading screen lets you set bAllowEngineTick  = true as a parameter. This will make FDefaultGameMoviePlayer manually tick the engine: if (GEngine && bAll ...

UNetDriver server-side hitch results in ActorInfo->NextUpdateTime far into future

UE - Networking - Feb 16, 2024

A high UWorld::Tick DeltaSeconds (i.e. GameThread hitch) results in a high UNetDriver::TickFlush DeltaSeconds. This DeltaSeconds can high (many seconds) if the hitch is long. This value then affects ...

USplineComponent::GetSplinePointAt() returns FSplinePoint with incorrect Type

UE - Gameplay - Components - Feb 15, 2024

USplineComponent::GetSplinePointAt() returns an FSplinePoint with the ESplinePointType 'CurveCustomTangent' rather than the type from the setup.Expected: It should return the correct type. ...

Skip Assigning Gamepad to Player 1 does not work

UE - Gameplay - Input - Feb 2, 2024

This is a regression from a long while ago that needs to get fixed ...

Widgets will bind input delegates to the Player Controller's Input Component, but never unbind them

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Jan 30, 2024

This is a bug introduced with 18468289 a while ago. We added this functionality for [Link Removed], which allows input event nodes to be placed within widgets and have them behave correctly.  This ...

FlushPressedKeys doesn't clear EventAccumulators, resulting in stale data

UE - Gameplay - Input - Jan 26, 2024

From the user:  The root of the problem appears to be that KeyState.EventAccumulator still has events stored in the structure for 'LeftAlt'. So, although UPlayerInput::FlushInput is called when the ...

Chaos Clothing CreateClothActor takes a long time with LODs and Self-Collision

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 21, 2024

Spawning an actor with Chaos cloth causes a hitch when LODs or Self-Collision are enabled on the cloth. LODs and Self-Collision seem to compound the issue. Self-Collision requires a collision simul ...

Map actor reconstruction does not reattach external non-root components

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jan 17, 2024

For two map placed actors, if one actor B's non root component is attached to another actor A, the attachment is not retained when actor A reruns its construction script, such as when moving actor A ...

Pre-UE5 serialized FVariant FVector data corruption when deserialized in UE5

UE - Gameplay - LWC - Jan 15, 2024

FVariant is a struct that implements a union of data types, including FVector. When assigning an FVariant an FVector value in engine versions UE 4.27 or earlier, the FVariant will deserialize incorr ...