unreal.py stub can overload IDE parsing limits

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jul 13, 2021

We should consider splitting this into separate per-module files that are merged together via imports. Any strong dependencies (eg, inheritance) need to import the type being inherited. ...

TeleportTo result with Chaos is different from PhysX

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jun 25, 2021

The result with Chaos is not wrong, rather it returns a correct correction vector, that vector is perfectly horizontal to the teleport buried against the landscape mesh. Therefore, teleportation wil ...

Control rig CCDIK node behaves in a weird way using control type.

UE - Anim - Rigging - Control Rig - Jun 15, 2021

Overriding a subobject's class in a native base class can lead to that component being null in derived Blueprints (FObjectInitializer::SetDefaultSubobjectClass)

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Jun 10, 2021

Overriding a subobject's class in a native base class can lead to that component being null in derived Blueprints.  ...

Open Marketplace button is unresponsive

Portal - Jun 8, 2021

When pressing the Open Marketplace button in UE5 or the Marketplace button in UE4, nothing happens. This occurs in both UE5 Early Access and UE4 4.26.2. Tested in //UE4/Release-4.25 @ CL 14469661 ...

Unable to overlay image on top of people occlusion image on ARKit

UE - Platform - XR - May 24, 2021

From licensee:   when the Enable Automatic Camera Overlay is enabled you will get the People Occlusion image overlaid above everything so no objects can be in-front of it. And if you disable Automa ...

The space between multi line text is gone in game when the text box is placed in a retainer box

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 4, 2021

When using a Text Box with multiple lines inside a Retainer, the lines overlap with each other depending on the letters. It doesn't look this way in the Widget Designer. Additionally, it doesn't loo ...

Adding a new component to a parent class breaks child Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 16, 2021

See UDN(308147): [Link Removed] ...

Material cannot be set in MaterialInterface of NiagaraParameterCollection

UE - Niagara - Apr 16, 2021

When MaterialInterface is added to UserParameter of NiagaraSystem, Material can be set in Properties. Also, in UE4main CL15988344, there is no MaterialInterface item in the NiagaraParameterCollecti ...

Placing WaterBody makes sub-levels that should have no effect dirty

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Water - Mar 30, 2021

This issue occurs when using the Landscape Streaming Proxy. ...