Cannot assign a MediaTexture asset to a Brush -> Image in Widget Blueprint

Media Framework - May 23, 2023

Can't assign Media Texture assets to the Brush->Image property in Images on Widget Blueprints. This workflow is explicitly mentioned as a step in these docs, so if this is no longer the correct meth ...

Content Browser 1 Inconsistent Behavior with Tabs

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - May 22, 2023

"Content Browser 1" auto-hides if opened with the Level Editor, and has inconsistent docking behavior under the conditions caused by the repro steps above. The root of the problem seems to be that ...

ImportAssetsAutomated with CSV Factory Does Not Work with FText

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - May 18, 2023

When importing a CSV into a data table using AssetToolsModule with a file containing an FText, the resulting FText value is invalid. As a note, there are no issues when importing an FGuid, a FString ...

Performance concerns with control rig component initialization

UE - Anim - Rigging - Control Rig - May 18, 2023

Report from a licensee that InitializeControlRigComponent using CR_Frame_Destructible in city sample is taking a lot of frame time.  It seems that a lot of time is being spent hashing and also URigV ...

Meta “AllowClasses” doesn’t filter in TArray using class

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - May 17, 2023

This occurred when we use a class and variable TSubclassOf<UObject>, TObjectPtr<UClass>, TSoftClassPtr<UObject>. [Image Removed] ...

Instanced properties do not update in actors placed in a level that is not currently open

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 17, 2023

The user is specifically having a problem with TArray<TObjectPtr<>> however I have also reproduced this error using a single TObjectPtr<>, raw uobject pointers & all three previous methods within a ...

FComponentReference loses its actor reference when the target actor is reinstanced

UE - Gameplay - May 15, 2023

The "OtherActor" pointer in an FComponentReference is invalidated when the referenced actor is reinstanced after compilation. ...

Auto-Save failing, pulling old saves and blocks users from continuing

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - May 15, 2023

Reporting an issue where are users are getting prompted to auto-save, but then it appears to fail and asks them to manually save. They're being prompted with outdated save files, but get stuck in a ...