Editing multiple Math Expressions will crash the editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 30, 2014

Editing multiple Math Expressions will crash the editor. ...

Trying to set a variable in one element of an array of custom UObjects will set that variable for all elements in the array.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 29, 2014

If an array of custom UObjects is added to a class, changing the value of a UPROPERTY variable in one element of the array sets the same value in all elements of the array. ...

CRASH: 4.6.1 When running a dedicated server

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 24, 2014

Crash Report: [Link Removed] <unknown module>! KERNELBASE!RaiseException() <unknown module>! UE4Editor_Core!FOutputDeviceWindowsError::Serialize() <unknown module>! UE4Editor_Core!FMsg::Logf__VA( ...

Enumerators not setting data correctly in BP struct from .csv file

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 24, 2014

Enum data is not correctly setting names in the data table when pulling data from a .csv file. ...

Custom Events can't be called after changing level blueprint or switching maps

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 23, 2014

Custom events cannot be called as functions after being made in level blueprints or after changing levels. User must close and re-open editor to be able to call a custom event. ...

BlueprintNativeEvents with no return value (void) cannot be overridden in Blueprints.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 22, 2014

BlueprintNativeEvents (and BlueprintImplementableEvents) are not available to be overridden in a Blueprint Graph if they do not return a value. This affects both functions present in source code, as ...

Clicking a link from an unconnected reroute node compile error switches focus to the Level Editor tab

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 21, 2014

Empty reroute nodes lead to an error on compile with links that switch focus away from the BP Editor tab and onto the Level Editor tab when clicked. ...

Timeline functions do not work inside of Blueprint functions

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 20, 2014

I could not repro their issue in main. They supposedly recently upgraded to 4.5. I was wondering if you could divide an conquer, and figure out when we fixed this. **EDIT** Was able to repro in mai ...

A newly added BlueprintImplementableEvent no longer appears in the context search menu of an Event Graph if a Hot Recompile was performed after the event was added in code.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 19, 2014

Performing a Hot Recompile in the Editor after adding a BlueprintImplementableEvent to code class does not have the new event added to the right-click context search window in the Event Graph of a B ...

Spawn Actor from Class does not compile correctly when calling a child blueprint from a parent blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 19, 2014

Compile error occurs when attempting to spawn a child blueprint from a parent blueprint. ...