Actor Sequence Component doesn't work when actor is spawned in runtime

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 27, 2021

It works in the PIE and standalone mode. But after packing the build, the animation won't start in runtime. ...

Replacing a UI widget element and then undoing it causes the Widget Blueprint's UI elements to be deleted on editor restart

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 25, 2021

When using the Replace With option and then undoing it, upon engine restart the Widget Blueprint's UI components are all removed from the Widget Blueprint. It seems the undo is crucial to the issue, ...

Crash when setting Retainerbox scale is set to 0 at runtime

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 22, 2021

Crash at runtime when Retainerbox scale is set to 0. The call stack indicates that the size of RenderTarget2D is set to 0. Attached repro project sets the scale of the RetainerBox that wraps the Im ...

Editor will crash on attempt to load a previously-saved Blueprint asset with a serialized default subobject containing a serialized static array of two or more nested subobject instances.

A crash will result if a Blueprint class that's based on a native C++ class containing two or more nested, explicitly-instanced subobjects referenced by a fixed-size object array property are serial ...

Anim Notifies and Curves are removed when saving Linked Animation Sequences through Sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 12, 2021

Found from AnswerHub: ...

Ensure playing a sequence that has an event trigger that calls SetPlaybackPosition

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 12, 2021 ...

Setting Texture Object within Niagara fails to update texture

UE - Niagara - Jan 11, 2021

Based off of a saleforce ticket, it seems that reinitializing a niagara system with an updated texture, the texture does not update. The setup works correctly in 4.25, so marking as a regression. ...

Vulkan RHI when execute the node "Create Render Target 2D" when enabling the option "AutoGenerate Mip Maps"

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jan 11, 2021

Unreal Crash in with Vulkan RHI when execute the node "Create Render Target 2D" with the option "AutoGenerate Mip Maps" then execute "Draw Material to Render Target" Opening the project also opens ...

Cascade particle system crash when changing levels in a cooked game

UE - Niagara - Jan 6, 2021

Changing levels with an auto-released particle system will cause cooked builds to crash. This is a regression. This crash does not occur in 4.25 ...