If MoveForward() function is changed to affect the speed of the player, when playing in a multiplayer game player 1 will be affected by the change but player 2 will not be. This is a regression - i ...
When changing wire thickness in the editor preferences the setting appear to affect the wrong types of wires. ...
Postprocess GI related settings look like working in 4.22 on Mobile now, but seems buggy, Not sure if it has supposed to be supported on Mobile since it has no any info in Doc or 4.22's release note ...
if I place a mesh with "Can Ever Affect Navigation" set to true, then set it to false, it will leave the NavMesh with a bugged "hole" that AI does not path around correctly (causing the "Blocked" er ...
The option 'Affects Translucent Lighting' for lights does not seem to have an affect objects/materials using translucency. I tested this setting in the Deferred Renderer and it works as expected. I ...
Brush Clip affects the surrounding geometry beyond the geometry it is applied to. (*See attached image for clarification) Regression: No ...
When using a Nav Modifier volume with a custom Nav Area class, the Nav Mesh is not being affected until the editor is restarted. Found in 4.11.2 binary. Reproduced in 4.12 Preview 1 binary and Main ...
Geometry Collection (GC) fragments are affecting the Navmesh in wrong positions and the identified cause is wrong indexing. Once a GC breaks, it's fragments, when big enough, are creating islands in ...
Foliage Instance Static Meshes do not affect the Navmesh. I tried changing the Custom Navigable Geometry to 'Yes' & 'Even if Not Collidable' but got the same results. Repro Rate: 4/4 Tested this i ...
Nav Modifier volumes are not affected the nav mesh until they are moved from their initial placement position. Found in 4.13.1. Reproduced in 4.12.5 and 4.15 Main CL 3163223 This is similar to [Li ...