If the scroll box does not have enough items to cause scrolling, the scroll bar does not show up ...
Always consume mouse wheel for a scroll box does not appear to work when there are not enough items to cause the scroll box to scroll. However, the tool tip says that the mouse input should be consu ...
A licensee has reported an issue where using LoadLevelInstance on a client causes the client to become disconnected from the server. This happens with both Hosted servers and Dedicated servers. Reg ...
This bug causes the screen to flicker randomly, even in simple, blank third person project templates. Even the basic starter content, the main editor area is blinking all the time if the user chooses ...
A licensee is reporting some unexpected behavior when attempting to replace references on Foliage Types already painted in the world. What happens after the references have been replaced, are the n ...
Adding DesktopPlatform to the PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange() section of the Project.Build.cs file causes the project to fail packaging with the following error (full package logs in callstac ...
Inaccurate updates to root widget visibility binding, so far in my testing, this does not affect the functionality of the binding. Regression: affects 4.13.2, 4.14.3, 4.15.1 binary versions ...
Ensure occurs when setting Wind Method to Accurate in the skeletal mesh editor. There's a similar ensure when you PIE after doing this. This can be bugged separately if needed: [Link Removed] ...
User Description: In USceneComponent::PreNetReceive the old (in this case, non-null) AttachParent is being cached into NetOldAttachParent. In USceneComponent::PostRepNotifies, AttachParent and NetO ...
Slate viewer closes when trying to click the drop down labeled "ComboButton" if the drop down just above it is flickering due to position issues. ...