When sculpting terrain, an Ensure Condition Failed occurred. The Editor froze for several seconds before regaining responsiveness. This issue is rare as I have only been able to get it to occur onc ...
If ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder is used with UPaperFlipbook as its class specifier, compiling the code fails with the following error: Error C2664 'void ConstructorHelpers::ValidateObject(UObj ...
While using an access specifier for a function that is set to private, does not run the function, but it can be placed into another BP with no warning appearing when the BP is compiled. This issue ...
NOTE: This issue is similar to (same callstack) as [Link Removed], however this issue is still occurring in 4.15.0. Error Message: Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not availab ...
When packaging for iOS the IPA file seems to have increased in size from previous versions. The licensee made an important observation that it appears the master materials have almost halved in si ...
Rendering appears to be inconsistent between the left and right eye of the oculus when setting r.SeparateTranslucencyScreenPercentage to a number below 100 (99 in this example) ...
This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Descriptions from users are provided below.Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 (fi ...
On a Mac, scrolling over GUI elements, in the World Outliner for instance, results in a significant frame rate drop. Regression: No, occurs in UE4.14.3 Does not occur in Windows ...
The log populates with the PIE Warnings when the asset is dragged into the level WarningsPIE:Warning: Warning Invalid Simulate Options: Body (TEST_PhysicsWakeEvents.CubeDestroyedOnSleep Cube) is se ...
When trying to undo a single digit change the editor will crash. For example, if a user highlights and replaces a single number in the size of a widget and then attempts to undo, the editor will cra ...