Crash attempting to input value for Rot Y in a floating details panel. Found on //UE4/Release-4.15 CL-3283184. Reproduces in Binary and P4 versions of the editor. Reproduces in //UE4/Main CL-3283 ...
The camera positions for firstperson mode in advanced vehicle template are different between the code and blueprint versions This is not a regression as it happens in 4.14.3 ...
Textures that have been padded to Power of Two (using the Power of Two Mode in the Texture Editor) do not render on iOS. In the repro provided, QAGame has a mobile interface that uses 100x100 textu ...
When moving Lighting Scenario Levels and their associated Map Build Data Registry to a new folder within the Content Browser, the references within the Levels tab are updated as [MapName_BuiltData]. ...
On the iphone 6+ it appears that videos played, then unloaded, then reloaded, and played again using the media player will cause a game crash given enough time. This behavior doesn't seem to occur ...
The car is flipping over the last hill on the TM-VehSpeedTests map ...
A crash occurs when creating a Render Target 2d and setting the texture target at runtime. After running some more tests, the crash seems to occur when setting the texture target, as the creation o ...
cmd.exe is returning a "The system cannot find the path specified." error when the automationtool is looking for PLINK.exe. That executable should be located in \UE_4.15\Engine\Extras\ThirdPartyNotU ...
Blueprint Diff doesn't find the difference in changed Child Actor Components in duplicated Child Actors. This seems to be contained to Child Actor Components that are inherited by a Child Actor Clas ...
The field of view track of a Cine Camera Actor does not work in Sequencer. Note The setting, Field of View, is not in the details panel and can only be accessed through the track in Sequencer. T ...