In the Cloth level in Content Examples, the cloth meshes at display 1.6 (Self Collision) are spinning and are being lifted into the air. This isn't consistent with the same assets in //UE4/Main. ...
It appears that users cannot change the original casing used for parameter names after they have been set once. ...
In BaseEngine.ini,Comment says "DerivedDataBackendGraph is the default graph" - this information needs to be updated to mention that launcher installs of the engine would use "InstalledDerivedDataB ...
When a Struct is used as a Local Variable in a Blueprint Function Library, the defaults for its member variables are not saved. If, for example, I enter "3" for an Int member, and "Foo" for a String ...
Font rendering for some Japanese fonts is not working reliably, in terms of font height. In some cases, vertical truncation is happening, and in other cases font displays extra vertical space. ...
If you have a collapsed graph with user defined structure as output, and if the output pin is split, the BP always crashes the editor after you reopening the project. This can also happen in level b ...
Implemented interfaces are not added to the list of assets to nativize when the blueprint class that implements them is flagged for nativization, saved, and compiled. This results in a package failu ...
Currently parent blueprints are added to the list of blueprints to nativize if their children are flagged to be nativized only if they are also individually saved. Ideally, we'd update the list of ...
Data only blueprints that are explicitly flagged for nativization do not nativize. (Makes sense that they don't when they're not explicitly told, but if someone goes out of the way to flag them to, ...
When multiplying vector 3 (R,G,B) values by a scalar value of increasing quantity the emissive output will begin to change colors. The most unexpected is the blue color that will turn purple while t ...