It's not clear that the user has to hold shift to preview in blend spaces

OLD - Anim - Nov 16, 2016

With the new blend space update, the user now has to hold down Shift to preview in the blend space graph. However there's no UI to tell the user that they need to hold shift, which can confuse vete ...

Vehicle physics are resolving erratically and causing random jitter/flips in the Advanced Vehicle Template

UE - Simulation - Physics - Nov 16, 2016

When a vehicle is on an uneven surface, the physics that are handling where the wheels should be placed is resolving sporadically, causing noticeable jitters and sometimes flipping. Regression?: Ye ...

Using Deferred Decal Material With Dbuffer Decal Enabled Crashes Editor

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 16, 2016

When using a deferred decal material (while Dbuffer Decals are enabled) on an asset and then going fullscreen in the viewport will cause the engine to crash. Note engine doesn't crash when material ...

Dropdowns display incorrectly in non 1:1 zoom in BP on Mac and PC

Tools - Nov 16, 2016

On a Mac in UE4.14, drop down menus on the appropriate nodes will not display correctly when the Event Graph is zoomed out below a 1:1 ratio. Regression: Does not occur in UE4:13 ...

Packaged projects on Windows and Mac are not opening as windowed fullscreen

Tools - Nov 16, 2016

When you package a project on Windows or Mac, the project is then opened in windowed mode instead of windowed fullscreen. Regression: Works in 4.12.5-3039270 Does not work in 4.13.2-3172292 Does no ...

User has to click in the blend graph tab to be able to preview it

OLD - Anim - Nov 16, 2016

In an aim offset or blend space, user is not able to preview in the blend graph unless they have focused (clicked on) the blend graph panel. ...

Static mesh appears to lose material reference after setting the material via blutility and changing levels

Tools - Nov 16, 2016

Static mesh appears to loose material reference after setting the material to a dynamic material instance via blutility and changing levels ...

iphone7+ Does Not Get Correct Device Profile Selected

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 16, 2016

When launching to iphone7+ the incorrect device profile will be used for device profile settings. ...

Calling SetupAttachment/AttachToComponent with 'this' as the parent inside a USceneComponent subtype's C++ ctor for nested component subobjects will result in all instances of the nested default subobject trying to attach to the CDO at registration time.

UE - Gameplay - Nov 16, 2016

This occurs because the 'AttachParent' property is a UPROPERTY, and as a result when we create a new instance of a USceneComponent subtype, any USceneComponent subtypes it owns are treated as instan ...

Scene Texture (Custom Depth) Behaves Strangely On IOS

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 16, 2016

When a postprocess material utilizing custom is used on IOS it will output different values than windows desktop and Android. Note For this to occur the material needs the blendable location to be ...