Changing the name of a function that is bound to a delegate, or attempting to bind a delegate to a second function, causes the new/changed function to not be called when the delegate is triggered. ...
Sequence onStop does not appear to fire off in a packaged project. The functionality appears to be present in the editor, however this does not appear to be the case after packaging. ...
Workaround: Delete the StagedBuilds folder within [Project] \ Saved User is not able to LaunchOn on multiple platforms. They receive a message saying Plugin 'SlateRemote' failed to load. The plug ...
A licensee is noticing that a heavy use of the Collections system to categorize assets is causing a lot of unnecessary source control operations and generating a lot of noise for their logs. Rather ...
Widgets appear to be offset when launching on to Chrome or other HTML platform. The widget appears to be offset and unclickable until the window for the browser is resized. ...
When using screen aligned UVs they don't seem to account for letterboxing. When the aspect ratio is changed the UVs scale based off the top left of the window or screen and not the viewable area. ...
Event On Landed does not receive surface type or physical material information from the Hit pin. Regression (no) issue (does) occur in 4.12.5 ...
If the Class Defaults are selected when compiling an animation blueprint, the will be deselected and the user will be required to select them again. This doesn't occur with anim blueprint nodes. A ...
Enabling recompute tangents on a skeletal mesh does not recompute tangent normals for translated parts of the skelmesh. If you addr.SkinCache.CompileShaders=1r.SkinCache.Mode=1r.SkinCache.Recompute ...
Game crashes in shipping build when un-pluging the Oculus HMD, then plugging it back in. Confirmed in 4.13.2 from the launcher, did not repro via same steps in 4.14 preview 3 ...