If you have a sitatuion like Public/Filename/Foo.h Public/FileName/Bar.h you cannot have #include "Foo.h" #include "Bar.h" in your .cpp file during the native build. Either Foo.h or Bar.h will b ...
Shadow quality from a movable directional light has lower resolution quality than the previous release of the engine. This is a regression in quality from 4.12.5 to 4.13. Tested with: Good Quality ...
Foliage does not paint on actors that have "auto generate collision" turned off during import. Regression (yes) issue (does not) occur in 4.12.5 ...
Currently FExtensibilityManager assumes that all extensibility is going to operate on TArray<UObject*>. Moving forward, we want to be able to supply custom, domain-specific context information to e ...
If you have more than one variable curve in an animation and they are different types (either morph or material) the editor will crash if you attempt to change all of them to one or the other at the ...
There are lengthy compile times with a blueprint with 50+ instances in the level that contains an array of self references. On lower-end machines, the compile times are upwards of 10 seconds. Found ...
If a TArray declared in a component class has the UPROPERTY specifier "Instanced", then attempts to edit an instance of the array in the editor viewport after adding the component to a blueprint doe ...
Not possible to launch on device without checking out the .umap file or marking it as writable. On any project of a large enough scale, requiring the user to check out the level to launch it on tar ...
This was tested on Windows the crash does not occur. This crash also occurs on Matinee cinematic as well, but only when you ~ quit the standalone game. ...
1. Create a hierarchy in UMG that has a couple layers deep of children such as vertical boxes that have multiple children that are vertical boxes, widget switchers .. 2. Collapse all children in th ...