Adding and removing Submixes at runtime, then editing the preset causes the editor to crash. Tested in 4.22.3 (CL - 7053647), 4.23.1 (CL - 9631420), 4.24 (CL - 1050688), 4.25 (CL - 10069288) ...
Using the F key to focus the viewport camera on an actor does not work if the main editor window does not have focus. Reproduced in 4.8.3 binary, 4.9.1 binary, and Main (CL 2707185) ...
Adding a Material Parameter collection to a material, setting its value, then saving the material will cause a crash. This was only able to be reproduced on Mac and did not affect the Windows versio ...
A user has reported that their dedicated server experienced a curlhttp crash after updating to 4.13.1 and left running for an extended period of time. Crash not reproduced internally. ...
If any tabs are undocked from the main viewport and another tab is then docked to the main viewport it will hide any undocked tabs. This only appears to affect tabs that in the Menu > Window with ex ...
The user has attached a small project at the link to demonstrate the issue. Occurs in 4.5.1 and well as Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2239587). Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...
Generated from CrashReporter 1 user reported: "Crash when using "Toggle watch pose" in any node of the animation blueprint. The crash happens when you save the ABP after enabling toggle watch pose ...
From this AnswerHub: Reading through all the information that is given (really useful for a ...
If a multi-line comment is made in a header file using the format /*/ at the beginning and ending of the comment, UHT will fail to compile the project and will display the following errors: 1> C:/ ...
We skip CalcVelocity for CharacterMovement while HasAnimRootMotion, and we do ExtractedRootMotion.MakeUpToFullWeight() anyway. This caused problem that when we blend out a rootmotion anim, it will ...