Left clicking in an orthographic viewport while using a custom editor mode, such as the foliage tool, will cause the cursor to disappear. ...
Landscape actors in a streaming level that has an offset applied and is hidden cause a crash when saving that level. The levels window refuses to save hidden levels, but other actions (inc. "Packag ...
On Windows and Xbox we have special header files to re-enable legacy UE types, such as DWORD. On Linux, Mac and other platforms there is no such mechanism. This prevents us from compiling plug-ins w ...
https://udn.unrealengine.com/questions/308105/why-do-the-hover-properties-of-a-texture-flip-when.html ...
Error message: Fatal error: [Link Removed] [Line: 176] Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost. (Error: 0x887A0006 - 'HUNG') Source Context: 161 162 const TCHAR* Reas ...
Struct array of type 'key' dirties blueprint each time it is re-opened. Regression (no) issue (does) occur in 4.11.2 ...
Event does not fire at end of playback range. This does work with Forced Fixed Frame Interval Playback so wonder if this is invalid? I have some test content set up in //UE4/Main QAGame QA-Promoti ...
Sequencer stop node does not return camera to player The error only occurs when exiting the sequence trigger volume before the sequence has completely finished. ...
SuggestProjectileVelocity will always return false if ESuggestProjVelocityTraceOption is set to TraceFullPath. ...
When a blueprint is added to a level that contains a procedural mesh component the level is unable to save. The error message that pops up is attached as a screenshot. Edit PatrickD (08-29-2016): C ...