Tilt information is no longer taken after clicking on a button in UMG. The tilt information goes to all zeros. That is until the user clicks else where at which point the device will then start regi ...
Double-clicking on a camera, which normally takes you to its location, also rotates the camera so that it faces whatever direction you were facing in the viewport prior to clicking on the actor in t ...
A user has reported that the Optimization Viewmodes menu does not appear with any options when the Preview Rendering Level is set to Android ES2 or ES3.1. Regression?: Yes This did not occur in 4.2 ...
Are Ray Ttraced Distance Field Soft Shadows supported on OpenGL ES3.1 + Android Extension Pack platforms like the Shield Tablet or Shield Console? Since the ES3.1+AEP platform supports deferred ren ...
After importing a mesh without any materials assigned, if you add a material slot and save the material. Reimporting this mesh will cause a crash. The only way to avoid this crash is to import a me ...
Switchboard is unable to launch the Multi-User Slate Server in launcher builds. This is because the default install location has "Program Files and "Epic Games" in the path (aka folders with spaces ...
When you use the IsOverlappingActor node to determine whether or not something is overlapping another actor, it returns false regardless of whether or not you're actually overlapping another actor. ...
When rendering an animation with the path tracer through MovieRenderQueue, at low sampling rates the denoiser produces splotchy results that flicker from frame to frame. The current denoiser (Ope ...
There is a setting called "LocalJobsDefaultProcessorCount" in the Developer Settings tab in Swarm. After the change to make Lightmass build asynchronously while the user keeps working, this set ...
REGRESSION No, I was able to reproduce the hard lock in 4.16.1. A frequent ensure occurs when opening static or skeletal meshes on Mac. Doesn't reproduce 100% of the time, but I've gotten it about ...