Failing to load Precached Media Source receive the below in the log: LogWmfMedia:Warning: Failed to finish resolve file://D:/Builds/Releases/QAGame/Content/Movies/MediaExample.mp4: The byte stream ...
Extremely similar repro to [Link Removed], except in this case the parent function has no parameters or return values. Also encountered a one-off crash while exploring repro methods, but was unabl ...
When cancelling the importing of an .abc file, user receives a "Failed to Import" message, making it seem like something went wrong. This doesn't occur when importing non-Alembic files. ...
When you change the Preview Rendering Level to Android Preview and then close the project, reopen, and do this again it hides the transform widget. ...
After adding a classed based on ProceduralMeshComponent the code for the project does not compile any longer. **This is a Regression - Adding ProceduralMeshComponent class would compile successfull ...
User is not able to reimport an Alembic asset (using the right-click > reimport option). The workaround is to import and then overwrite the asset instead. ...
Editor crashes while attempting to save or close project after importing a landscape from a heightmap. Frequency: 2/2 Crashreporter: [Link Removed] Regression (yes) issue (does not) occur in 4.1 ...
Undo, redo, undo after issuing a replace actor action causes the editor to crash. Found on: //UE4/Release-4.13 CL-3078131 Crash reporter: [Link Removed] Regression from //UE4/Release-4.12 CL-3053 ...
Cannot package project with landscape to mobile devices. Packaging fails with the following error: Fatal error! Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000002 U ...