Crash while closing Create Blank New Blueprint window after attempting to name blueprint the same name as another blueprint. This crash only occurs when attempting to close the window using the "X" ...
A licensee has reported that the normals for their tilemaps upon initial load of the editor are flipped. This is also true when they launch their packaged project. All the normals of their tilemaps ...
Destructible attached with a Physics Constraint have inconsistent physics compared to a standard Static Mesh. This is also sometimes prevalent with Destructibles that aren't attached with a Physics ...
Destructible attached with a Physics Constraint ignores Start Awake on play The Destructible component is set to simulate physics, but on play physics is not simulated unless the destructible is to ...
The number that is displayed for "Display Actors Count" goes up by one each time the save button in used within the levels tab. ...
When SetWidget is called, the call to Widget->MarkPendingKill(); causes the widget to lose functionality if the widget being created is the same as the widget previously removed. ...
Unable to use a Keyboard Shortcut for the Wireframe on Top visualizer for Landscapes. The tool works when using the dropdown menu within the viewport, but it does not seem to toggle when mapped to a ...
From UDN Question: Tried with GamePad and Vive Controllers, having Gamepad wire connected + 2 Vi ...
attached video below if you are unsure of repro ...
Could not repro it on Mali S7 or S6 ...