Logout node appears to pull off the wrong pin when clicking the player controller reference (blue pin) on the left of the node. If the user clicks and drags of off the left player controller referen ...
If the Project Settings window is sized to the point a scrollbar is needed to read the complete text for Collisions Settings, expanding "Preset" will result in the scrollbar not appearing initially, ...
Blurry VR Editor icon when using the small icons settings in the Editor ...
Compile errors in AnimBP when using latent functions. Does not occur in Blueprints, only AnimBPs. Error Default value 'execute' for Value is invalid: ''execute' is not a valid enumerant of '<EMo ...
When using an Event Generator in a particle emitter that passes velocity for other emitters to inherit, only CPU emitters take on the velocity, and not the GPU emitters. In the test case/project I ...
When assigning an imported apx file to the clothing drop down under the material element of this imported Skeletal Mesh will result in a crash. Tested in: 4.11.2 CL-2946394 4.12.3 CL-3013449 Dev ...
Also, another, possibly related symptom that should be looked into alongside this: Possibly related: 1. Set InlineObject to null on both character. 2. Assign new Inline Object to InlineObject on Ba ...
Before UE4.12 A user could drag a folder and its sub-directories from the Finder in Windows into the Content Browser and it would keep the folder structures. Now, doing the same results in the asset ...
Using a FormatText node with Specifier in the same graph as an empty Macro will freeze the editor. Not using the Specifier or deleting the unused Marco will allow the BP to compile fine. **Only rep ...
This crash only seems to be occurring in a packaged game, and it has not been able to be reproduced in a clean project following the steps that the user provided. ...