It looks like maybe CheckDefaultSubobjectsInternal() isn't set up to handle non-native (i.e. Blueprint) class types? As well as AActor::CheckActorComponents() perhaps? ...
In the Hand IK Retargeting node, the Left Hand IK setting is using the wrong tool tip. It reads "Bone for Left Hand FK". ...
This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Error message: Assertion failed: InstanceBaseMap.Num() == InstanceBaseInvMap.Num() [Link Remo ...
Application crashes when deploying a game to iOS with Metal enabled. This has only been reproduced if a sub-level has been added to the starting level within the project. This seems to only happen ...
When using the Atmospheric Fog actor, a black ring can be seen on the horizon. This can be seen by simply placing the Atmospheric Fog into an empty level. The issue cannot be seen if there is a sky ...
In a standalone game window, the user is able to grab the left side of the standalone game window, making it possible for the user to grab and resize the window while playing. Could be similar to [ ...
Shadows appear to flicker on the Vive when using dynamic lighting on a translucent surface. This is even more noticeable if the engine scalability is turned down. ...
Applying spline component to landscape via level blueprint crashes the editor. Frequency: 3/3 CrashReporter: [Link Removed] Regression (No) issue (does) occur in 4.10.4 ...
Foliage icons do not grey out when set to inactive through the foliage mode window. Note This error occurs in 4.11 and 4.12, but is responding as expected in 4.10.4 (icon is greyed out) Regressi ...
The overlap events fire multiple times with only one trigger of the opposite call. (example: Begin over lap will fire multiple times when the end overlap was only called once) ...