When you select an asset that references a skeleton that has moved, the editor asks you to choose a new skeleton. When you choose Yes is it gives the message "The Anim Blueprint could not be loaded ...
Several users have reported crashes where the Heightfeild loaded from the DDC and physical material list do not match. Suggest adding the number of physical materials to part of the cooked heightma ...
Tilemaps using lit methods of rendering are subject to strange lighting behavior. If the material for the tilemap is using a 'masked' method of rendering. Lighting will appear at incorrect angles. ...
See the video [Link Removed] ...
Attempting to spawn a copy of an actor that has components that were added to an instance of that actor in the level causes a crash. Spawning the actor without adding additional components to the in ...
Physics actor with physics toggled will fall through static meshes set to Movable User Description: Basically, what this project does is enable simulate physics on the black cube in the middle, th ...
Dynamic instancing is likely causing an issue where meshes that need shadows are getting combined with meshes that do not need shadows causing missing shadows. Tests were done with CSMs. Reproducti ...
Zen Garden crashes on the iPhone 6+ before anything appears onscreen. Occurred on: iPhone 6+ on 10.3.2 Didn't occur on: iPhone 6S on 10.3.2 ...
When closing ShooterGame on an iOS device, the application crashes due to "exhausting the real time allowance of 5.00 seconds". This issue is NOT a regression for //UE4/Dev-Networking as it is also ...
When Lumen is disabled, but the cvar "r.MeshCardRepresentation" is set to 1, Lumen will continuously enqueue object removal from the Lumen Scene, without ever emptying the array of primitives to rem ...