There is disparity between the two different ways of editing rotation. When using the scrubber in the details panel each value scrubbed only affects that value and the values go from 0 to 360. When ...
When using Forward Shading for the project, if you assign a source target to a SceneCapture2D and use either BaseColor in RGB or Normal in RGB the editor will crash. Tested with: Broken: 4.14.1 B ...
Followings are nodes in the repro project. [Image Removed] Here's a generated code of the BPvoid ANewBlueprint_C__pf1010915279::bpf__NewFunction_0__pf() { uint8 bpfv__CallFunc_GetInt_NewParam ...
Reported to support in SF [Link Removed] and reported on reddit at [Link Removed]. For Twinmotion 2024.1 on Mac, some users are reporting that Twinmotion processes are still running after closing t ...
Edit MattK: This seems like more of a cooking issue than an fbx issue. The crash is related to nav collision When adding a FBX import into your project, if you do not close the project out and ope ...
When you call GetOuter() inside AssetUserData::PostEditChangeOwner, the Outer that is returned, is marked as "Trash". This is because the object is constructed again when an AssetUserData is added. ...
Scene Depth appears to return zero on iOS. In this test the material applied to an image does not appear to lerp between 0 and 1 for the various objects in the scene, implying that the Scene depth ...
A user is experiencing a crash when using the "Keep Simulation Changes" feature in the Editor after running a simulation of their project. The user allows the simulation to run briefly before pressi ...
Using Ctrl+Drag in 4.8 will not affect the location of selected actor if the viewport camera is facing away from selected actor. In 4.7.6 the actor would travel along the X axis even if the camera ...
When a slate element that uses a png with a transparency the edges have a black outline. When the Widget3DPassThrough material is applied to the widget the effect is lessened, but is the outline sti ...