Widget interaction component appears to stop working after entering a physics volume. A Physics Volume appears to deactivate the Widget interaction component ...
If "UVFlipping Mode" under Rendering on the Required node of an emitter is set to anything other than "None," the particles can become stretched and distorted. As a workaround, I have discovered th ...
When adding new HISM instances, actors using SpeedTree -> WorldPositionOffset material are reset. 4.19 Repro project provided by user. I was unable to get WPO wind working in 4.18, I did noticed th ...
Foliage: Speed tree wind is reset for every add/remove/update on instances What is happening:When we invalidate the render state, proxy are recreated, causing the wind to be removed and add again, ...
When deleted a component in the in world component editor, that name cannot be used for another component until the editor has been restarted. ...
This appears to be caused by the colour format. It only occurs when the scene format has an alpha channel. FloatRGB (format 3) doesn’t exhibit these issues. Unfortunately, format 4 is the default fo ...
Connecting a Client to a Server in PIE with Auto Connect to Server disabled will crash the editor. EDIT: simple test project attached. Make sure Auto Connect to Server is disabled, and PIE with 2 p ...
With the geometry data getting bigger and bigger we hit more often the int32 limits of the default TArray. All geometry data is store in array so we cannot have more then 2GB of vertexinstances or t ...
UDN case link with this ticket [Link Removed] ...
Logs aren't being saved on Android devices, even when the source files are updated to reflect output logs. However, they were working in 4.12. iOS logs are showing up in shipping. ...