It seems that when comparing the custom versions for a replay (in the "operator<<" defined in ReplayTypes.cpp), the value retrieved from the FCurrentCustomVersions is not the value set at runtime, b ...
Target Point Actors are changing location when in a World Partition Map within a Shipping Build. This does not occur in Non World Partition Maps. The name of the Asset also changes when in a World ...
When editing an IK retargeter, a static offset's value will get reverted to zero when UE is restarted. Tested in the following: //UE5-Release-5.3-CL-27405482 //UE5/Release-5.2-CL-26001984 ...
Turning on batching of sphere casts when colliding against complex gives incorrect results. Affects debug output and vehicle wheels and body movement. The issue is with the batch query mode which ...
It is not possible to set the RotationNormalizedAngle to a value different from those you get from an input map. For example, you cannot set it to a value from a make float once created inside the m ...
[Image Removed] ...
The environment geo is getting in the way and the particle's wireframe outline is the same color as the environment. A current workaround it going to the Preview Scene Settings and turning off the e ...