Get and Set nodes for variables from a BP's parent class will not compile without a reference to Self

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 9, 2015

Get and Set nodes for variables from a BP's parent class will not compile without a reference to Self. Without one, the BP fails to compile with the following error: "Error Variable node Get NewVa ...

SimpleMoveTo does not work on Clients

UE - Networking - Jan 9, 2015

SimpleMoveTo does not work on Clients. ...

Looking at several BPs during play, that add multiple static meshes in construction script, drops the FPS

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 9, 2015

Looking at several blueprints during play, that add multiple static meshes in their construction script, drastically drops the FPS. As a workaround, I suggested to the user that he should use Insta ...

Locking a selected Actor in a Level keeps the Actor highlighted when selecting another Actor

Tools - Jan 9, 2015

Locking a selected Actor in a Level keeps the Actor highlighted when selecting another Actor. ...

Moving an Actor using the Transform controls in the Details panel with Realtime disabled leaves the Widget in its initial location

Tools - Jan 9, 2015

Moving an Actor using the Transform controls in the Details panel with Realtime disabled leaves the Widget in its initial location. Clicking off the Actor and then selecting it again restores the ...

New blueprints do not Alphabetize themselves as expected

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Jan 9, 2015

When making new blueprints they are not placed within the content browser as a user would expect. In the example given in the link provided, blueprints ending in "_1" will come before "_10", however ...

sg.ResolutionQuality command doesn't work

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 9, 2015

Using the sg.ResolutionQuality command in code or the console has no effect in 4.6.1 or 4.7. ...

The number ordering in the Content Browser for assests is not showing in a correct order

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Jan 9, 2015

When naming assets in the Content browser, If you include a number within the name, as long as the name is the same as other Assets, the numbers will not be shown in ascending order. Included 2 ph ...

Crash in Standalone when using a Blueprint Library Function inside a Macro from a Macro Library

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 9, 2015

Using a Function from a Blueprint Library inside a Macro from a Macro Library will cause a crash when using Standalone Game for PIE. The same setup will function as expected when Playing in Selected ...

Cast nodes compile without warning when no object is selected/passed in

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 8, 2015

Cast nodes compile without warning when no object is assigned to the cast nodes object input pin. ...