Refraction in Mesh Particle not rendering unless already rendered in static mesh

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 16, 2014

Mesh Particle System made to show a visualization of a shockwave will not render with the refraction component of the material unless a static mesh with the material applied to it is also in camera ...

Particle Events in Level Blueprints are not Triggering

UE - Gameplay - Dec 16, 2014

Events like OnParticleSpawn, OnParticleCollide, and OnParticleDeath are not triggering in the level blueprint. ...

Loops don't work with SimpleParallel BT composite node

UE - AI - Dec 16, 2014

Loop decorators don't work with SimpleParallel BT composite node. We need to either fix it, or if we remove support for it restrict users from putting these decorators on SimpleParallel's children. ...

Invalidate and Generate Project ID do not function

Tools - Dec 15, 2014

The Project ID settings, Generate and Invalidate, do not change the Project ID. ...

Constant Crashes on OS X 10.10.1

UE - Platform - Apple - Dec 15, 2014

User (Omri) on Mac running OS X 10.10.1. on MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2009 Experiencing Crash. Cannot reproduce. Crash Reporter: N/A Callstack: MachineId:1E07B9CE2F4554A7C3F421A9DD97AFB5 EpicAc ...

Text does not scale when using the "Draw Text" node in a HUD blueprint

Tools - Dec 15, 2014

When using the "Draw Text" node in a HUD blueprint the text will not respond to the change scale feature of the the node. It can even be set to zero and the scale does not change from the default. ...

Overriding MacroUV causes stretching Material

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 15, 2014

While working on an issue for a user using MacroUVs, I noticed that entering any value into the Required Module with Override Default Macro UV toggled true will cause the Material to stretch and dis ...

Combo box widget becomes cut off when placed at the bottom of the screen

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Dec 15, 2014

When a combo box is placed at the bottom of the screen and the project is not in fullscreen mode the contents of the box will be clipped by the bottom of the window. ...

unusual occlusions when taking high-res screenshots

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 15, 2014

Unusual ghosted images/occlusions appear on highres screenshots ...

When creating a "Cursor" in UMG or HUD blueprints there is a noticeable lag mouse position and the "New Cursor" Position.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Dec 15, 2014

When setting up any sort of image to following the mouse there is a noticeable lag between the position of the mouse and the position of the image that is being set to the mouse position. ...