Translation Editor submenu does not open

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Dec 10, 2014

Currently, if a user turns on the experimental feature "Translation Editor", then attempts to access the submenu for it, the submenu will not open. Note: This has worked in internal builds since 4 ...

Screen goes black if standalone window loses/regains focus in Oculus Mode

UE - Platform - XR - Dec 10, 2014

If the console command "Stereo on" is used to enter Oculus mode in a standalone window, the onscreen window and Oculus viewport go black if the standalone loses window focus. Window is still runnin ...

Scrollbox breaks when put inside of another widget

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Dec 10, 2014

A scrollbox no longer gives the user the ability to scroll after being placed in the following widgets. -Vertical box -Grid panel ...

Right-clicking in the Event Graph of a second Blueprint created using Create Blueprint Using This... will crash the editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 9, 2014

Right-clicking in the Event Graph of a second Blueprint created using Create Blueprint Using This... will crash the editor. Crash Report: [Link Removed] Call Stack:<unknown module>! KERNELBASE!Rai ...

A custom Blueprint node created using a code class derived from EdGraphNode can no longer be found in the event graph to be used.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 9, 2014

Custom Blueprint nodes no longer appear in the event graph. This was working in 4.5.1, but no longer works in 4.6 and Main. Previously working: CL 2336109 No longer working: CL 2374938 CL 2375748 ...

The editor crashes during PIE when using the DemoPlay feature

UE - Networking - Dec 9, 2014

The editor crashes during PIE when using the DemoPlay feature. Crash Report: [Link Removed] ...

Adding a code class derived from SceneCaptureComponent2D to a project will prevent that project from building successfully in Visual Studio.

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 9, 2014

Adding a code class that derives from SceneCaptureComponent2D will cause the build to fail in Visual Studio. Build Errors: 1>MySceneCaptureComponent2D.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external ...

Packaging and opening shootergame.exe shows black screen and freezes, must be manually shut down.

Docs - Samples - Dec 9, 2014

If Shootergame is packaged to Windows (64 bit) then the packaged project is opened, it will show a black screen and freeze. The program cannot be interacted with and must be shut down via task manag ...

No selection highlight in ES2

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 9, 2014

No selection highlight in ES2. Expected to be able to see what user has selected. Reproduced on windows and mac. ...

Set Members in Struct node doesn't work if the Struct is contained within an Array

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 9, 2014

Set Members in Struct node doesn't work if the Struct is contained within an Array. ...